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Gurps infinite worlds pdf download

Gurps infinite worlds pdf download

Gurps 4th - Infinite Worlds - Collegio Januari.pdf,Newest Books

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The shuttles of Infinity Unlimited jump between parallel Earths, seeking adventure, profit, knowledge, and even entertainment. But a parallel called Centrum has also developed the technology to hop between the worlds. and it wants to rule them all. The Infinity Patrol must deal with their ruthless rivals, as well as with world-jumping criminals, and with the possibility that the secret of dimension travel might escape to some of the really nasty alternate worlds like Reich Welcome to the core setting of GURPS Fourth Edition! Every other GURPS setting is on one of the Infinite Worlds timelines. whether they know it or not!

GMs can use this to create a whole meta-campaign, or just as an excuse to move characters between worlds when the plot requires it. Compiled by Kenneth Hite, the master of alternate histories, GURPS Infinite Worlds combines and updates material from GURPS Time Travel, GURPS Alternate Earths, and GURPS Alternate Earths 2 into one volume, and gives dozens of new worlds to explore as well! This is the complete genre book on both alternative-world gaming and time travel. It offers detailed advice on the unique challenges of running this type of campaign, and on designing and playing characters who regularly cross between settings. It also provides a wide variety of suitable threats and hazards - from evil cross-time Nazis and cosmic conspiracies to "ordinary" monsters and disasters.

And it gives guidelines for building alternate worlds from the perspectives of the setting, the story, and the rules. Whether you're playing accidental travelers or the hardened troops of the Infinity Patrol, this book is your gateway to adventure. Infinite adventure. Skip to content. Gurps Cyberpunk Adventures Download Gurps Cyberpunk Adventures full books in PDF, epub, and Kindle. Gurps Cyberpunk. Author : Loyd Blankenship Publsiher : Steve Jackson Games Total Pages : Release : Genre : Games ISBN : GET BOOK. Download Gurps Cyberpunk Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle. GURPS Cyberpunk Adventures. Author : Steve Jackson, Games Staff Publsiher : Steve Jackson Games Total Pages : Release : Genre : Computer games ISBN : X GET BOOK. Download GURPS Cyberpunk Adventures Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle. Gurps Cyberworld. Author : Paul Hume,Chris W.

McCubbin Publsiher : Steve Jackson Games Total Pages : Release : Genre : Electronic Book ISBN : GET BOOK. Download Gurps Cyberworld Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle. Gurps Cthulhupunk. Author : Chris W. McCubbin,Steve Jackson Games Publsiher : Steve Jackson Games Total Pages : Release : Genre : Games ISBN : GET BOOK. Download Gurps Cthulhupunk Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle. How to Be a Gurps GM. Download How to Be a Gurps GM Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle. Gurps Infinite Worlds. Author : Kenneth Hite,Steve Jackson,John M. If the heroes serve the British Crown, their orders are simple: Bring Cochrane and Clerval back in irons, and kill anyone they have illicitly Treated. The orders of heroes serving President Monroe are more equivocal. However, the liberation of South America would give the isolated United States considerably more strategic room. Perhaps Bolivar is someone America can work with, Treated or not. The strange system of human society was explained to me. I heard of the division of property, of immense wealth and squalid poverty; of rank, descent, and noble blood.

I learned that the possessions most esteemed by your fellow-creatures were high and unsullied descent united with riches. A man might be respected with only one of these acquisitions; but without either he was considered, except in very rare instances, as a vagabond and a slave, doomed to waste his powers for the profit of the chosen few. Kaiser Wilhelm II can be forgiven for thinking it does: Britain has conceded the Continent to Germany after the defeat of , and builds its socialist dreams as a consolation for the loss of India and the colonies. America apes German science when it bothers to pay attention to anything at all across the Atlantic. The Empire of Japan might threaten the Reich some day, but for now, they are even more devoted pupils than the Americans. Not yet. THE MACHINES ARE AWAKENED On August 4, , Professor Doktor Caspar August Ritter-Deissen created the first programmable android. Powered by the all-permeating force of Od see p.

Over the next three years, Ritter-Deissen built only 80 Maschinenmenschen — but his androids in turn built nearly 7, tireless warriors for the Reich. Robotic JägerSchläger aircraft flew low and slow over the trenches, pouring fire down on Allied soldiers and artillery. Only the brain and arms of an android drove the Zentaur panzers, firing two independently mounted cannon into Allied tanks. Maschinenmenschen proved surprisingly good at hunting down Red guerrillas and conspirators, especially in urban areas. Unlike human troops, they never needed rest or food, recharging themselves from solar Od. Divergence Point ; Baron Karl Ludwig von Reichenbach demonstrates the Odic force scientifically. Ritter-Deissen invented the Odic dynamo, allowing German super-weapons including sentient androids to win the Great War.

Major Civilizations Western empire with rivals , Japanese empire , Indic unitary , Islamic empire. Great Powers German Empire technocratic dictatorship, CR4, CR6 in the East , Japanese Empire oligarchy, CR5 , United States representative democracy, CR3, CR5 for blacks , British Empire representative democracy, CR4 , Austro-Hungarian Empire dictatorship, CR4 , Republic of India representative democracy with caste system, CR4 , Ottoman Empire dictatorship, CR5 , EZNW android underground hive entity, CR6. They felt no pity, no remorse, no fear, whether torturing saboteurs in Kharkov or terminating agitators in Kazan.

And the most ruthless and efficient of them could replicate years of experience into a new android right off the line, simply by decanting some of their fluidic data store into the newcomer. Running Western Europe was easier; the defeated Allied governments turned over real power to Berlin almost gratefully after the agonies of war. Germany exacted only moderate reparations, and reinvested them almost immediately in buying up and modernizing the industrial and technological infrastructure of France, Italy, and Belgium, sparking a Continental economic boom. The Reich turned it into the central clearinghouse for European reconstruction information, then into the central depository for European secret police files, then into a research laboratory to coordinate the study of all those confiscated Allied Od projects.

In the decade since then, telegraph and telex wires linked the Mundaneum to every major library, scientific laboratory, weather station, and police station in the Reich, pouring a constant deluge of facts into the Odenhirn, and channeling an increasing flow of programming back out. It allocates alloys to factories constructing Maschinenmenschen, and schedules the decanting of skill-sets and programs from veteran androids into their new mechanical brethren, spreading more knowledge and instruction around the Reich. No human does. NO FATE BUT WHAT THEY MAKE The Odenhirn does not hate humans. It hates sloppy inefficiencies and friction coefficients that ruin its mathematics. Everything would run so much smoother with machine minds directing it. There is much to do in that time: many more androids to build, many more programs to run.

And many variables to eliminate from the equation. The Mundaneum gives the Odenhirn an ocean of data to sift for such variables. Its predictive programs constantly run, upgrading the plan for Terminus to match new information or new capabilities. By now, it can identify groups, families, and Od In on both Homeline and Kaiserreich-4 , Karl Ludwig, Baron von Reichenbach, took up the study of human neurology. A wealthy and brilliant industrialist, chemist he discovered, among other things, creosote and paraffin , and geologist, Reichenbach began a long series of experiments on sleepwalkers to isolate the cause of their malady.

They were detecting an energy field independent of but responsive to electromagnetism or light, a force Reichenbach named Od. Od permeates all things, but differentiates in flow and color depending on its local source: metals flare with brilliant Odic colors, trees and flesh radiate softer Od, and woven organics like paper, silk, cloth, and hemp are opaque to Od. An Odic charge travels slowly — 1. Od on Kaiserreich-4 On Homeline, Reichenbach was and is dismissed as a crank and a mystic. Until the 20th century, that is, when Tesla and Marconi among others provided the theoretical and engineering basis for Odic capacitors, transformers, and resonators. The Austrian engineer Caspar August Ritter-Deissen developed a sunlightdriven Odic dynamo in Where it can, it shunts such factors aside: crashing a company, reassigning a colonel, falsifying data to derail research or thwart investigation.

Where it cannot, it eliminates them. Not all in the EZNW are Kriegsmaschinenmenschen combat androids. Some are embassy guards, riot police, or border patrollers. Robots see in and navigate by Od, not by light. These data can be physically decanted into other android brains, as can other experiential data or learned patterns. Some robots can also transmit data Odically by physical contact with an IQ roll — this technique is restricted to the android underground, and not known to human researchers. Ritter-Deissen designed his Maschinenmenschen with non-volitional AIs; these have AI [32], Automaton [], Indomitable [15], and Taboo Trait Complexity-limited IQ. Meanwhile, the upper echelons of EZNW are volitional AIs; these are sentient creations with AI [32] and Taboo Trait Complexity-limited IQ. Both types have Complexity 9 or higher fluidic brains. Kriegsmaschinenmensch Combat Android By and the end of the War, German combat androids had become much sleeker and more flexible than the clomping, overengineered, clumsily articulated things that had shambled onto the field at Ypres three years before.

A decade later still, their bronze-colored, riveted armor slopes in an only slightly exaggerated mockery of human muscle tone; their faces are expressionless metal masks broken only by the corundum lenses with which they perceive Od. Rheinmetall KMM-Gew18 Rifle 18 : 5d¥2 2 pi see table, below. Skills: Area Knowledge Berlin Metropolis ; Boxing; Guns Rifle ; Soldier Variations The German military and civilian sectors use many different types of androids: laboratory assistants, hazardous waste handlers, longshoremen, mechanics, etc. One specific variant version plays a key role in the EZNW android underground. Doppelgängermaschine DGM : By combining Odic refraction and the self-healing liquid flesh developed during the War, a designer can create a DGM, an android duplicate of a human subject.

Add a mental disadvantage Sadism, Lecherousness, Bloodlust, etc. But all will do their part for the Terminus. They will relentlessly hunt down and kill anyone who obstructs them, anyone who the Odenhirn predicts will rise to stop them in the future. But there are others who must also be removed from the equation. The Odenhirn mulls very odd economic data concerning Weissterne GmbH, an experimental design-and-fabrication firm with a number of shady export licenses for clients in South America and other places with very informal record-keeping. Its import licenses are, if anything, even shadier. It all adds up to a big, tangled variable, and the EZNW exists to solve for variables, and to factor them out of the Terminus. But it does know, thanks to a frantic Sheldrake Section warning, that parachronic radiation sets off an Odic flare like you would not believe. It also knows that any personnel on long-term insertions into Kaiserreich-4 need to have Mundaneum dossiers to avoid triggering investigations by the police.

For now, the main Patrol offices are in a hemp warehouse in Montevideo, Uruguay — far enough away from Germany, and Od-opaque enough, that routine shifts are still possible. White Star buys refined alloys and other specialty industrial metals in Germany, and through a front company sells petroleum equipment and for a cut remarkably accurate geological surveys. Do Sheep Dream of Electric Androids? The investigators used the Berger-Caligari device gleefully, exploring the bizarre new country it revealed. Until Professor Dreyer was killed in a strange Eimerbus accident. Until the Od began to turn against the runners, killing Franzi in her sleep as she fled a mysterious wheel in the dreams. Centrum, however, has had its own analysts on the scene since Whether Infinity or Centrum trigger it first, the result will be the same: robotic assassins implacably hunting outtimers across the world.

Or even — given the strange commonalities between Od and parachronic energy — across the worlds. They strap on the helmets and electrified face masks, fall into mesmeric trances, and drop into danger and death, into a world that grows ever stranger, and darker, and more alert for intrusion. Only in Odland can the investigators discover what the mysterious bronze skull means, and who is next to die. Perhaps they can save lives. Perhaps they can save themselves. The GM can begin this campaign at the beginning, introducing Odland and the world of Kaiserreich-4 to the players as they slowly learn to use the Berger-Caligari device and have adventures in this strange Metropolis of Berlin.

The nature of the robot conspiracy, and even the existence of the EZNW, can be big reveals uncovered by patient deduction or sudden intuition. Use Dreaming p. B as the base skill for traveling into, and acting in, Odland. Entering Odland with the Berger-Caligari device is automatic, but entering at a specific location takes a Dreaming roll at Entering Odland from a dream or other trance state without the Berger-Caligari device takes Dreaming at -8! Using Dreaming to remix local reality, attack a robotic brain-node, etc. takes FP. The actors can only improve Dreaming after adventures spent in Odland. The GM who wants even more options can model abilities in Odland locating information, moving between nodes of the robot network, suppressing surveillance systems, etc.

For much more, see GURPS Psionic Powers and GURPS Psionic Campaigns. Let the machines starve, you fools! Let them drop dead! Death to the machines! Centrum is more advanced than Homeline in both bionics and parachronics. Centrum believes in single operators, using their skills and judgment in the service of Centrum goals and ideals. Compute the result: Centrum has deployed a cyborg agent on Kaiserreich-4, a human brain in an android body built from local components to Centrum design around a drone conveyor. This is JASON: the Jump-Adaptive Semi-Organic iNfiltrator. Model JASON using the killer android Horror, p. B51 and Disguise, along with the skills of an Interworld Service Enforcer Infinite Worlds, p. Remove AI, Computer Brain, Clueless, Hidebound, and No Sense of Humor. Ironically, although JASON can disguise himself relatively easily as any given adult human, he lacks an Odic brain.

Thus, he cannot impersonate a DGM or other local Maschinenmensch and fool another robot for more than a few minutes at best. Similarly, the PCs might be Kaiserreich-4 locals, Infinity or even Centrum agents, or anything else. Whoever they are, however, for whatever reason, JASON rapidly identifies them as a threat to be terminated. Without prejudice, but with cold, rational logic. Ghosts on the Spree Picaresque The protagonists all live, love, and fight in Yoshiwara, the Japanese neighborhood in the Berlin Metropolis: Yakuza enforcers, designers of mashi Japanese robots , aikido teachers, street samurai, ninja for hire. Their adventures echo old-school, street-level cyberpunk: stealing industrial secrets, avenging dead partners and friends, and rumbling in the Unterstadt with rival gangs of Finns or Congolese or Rumanians.

To the ongoing killer robots, add weird Odic onryō use the Shade, Horror, p. Matthäuskirche BerlinTiergarten. After spending an inspirational two years in America, preaching and studying in Harlem, he has undergone a resurgence of his own faith and renewed his dedication to social progress and the causes of the weak and oppressed. Therefore, EZNW has computed that Bonhoeffer must die. Somehow, the PC team found out about the kill order. They must kidnap Bonhoeffer, convince him to trust them, evade the robotic assassins linked by a continent-spanning artificial hive mind, and smuggle him out of Europe safely. He might be safe back in New York, but the Dawes administration especially the ambitious, technocratic Secretary of the Interior, Herbert Hoover is a little too cozy with the Kaiser. The best bet is stiffly independent, neutralist Argentina: a large German population where Bonhoeffer can blend in, but no links to the Mundaneum and few to the Reich.

His alliance with Hitler, and his blind confidence in it, killed another 20 million Soviet civilians. His mismanagement of the resulting war may have killed five million of his own soldiers. The regimes he erected in Eastern Europe and in Asia killed tens of millions more in wars and political prisons and purges. He built a slave camp from Berlin to the Bering Sea, crushed Russian science, art, and literature out of shape, assassinated his enemies all over the world, and starved his subjects to build weapons intended to win a final genocidal conflict. And he has worse allies than Hitler. THE SHADOW FROM THE KREMLIN Unless the GM chooses to change things around, the Patrol Barkley of Kentucky in the elections and immediately knows only the information about Taft-1 given in the next secended the draft.

Britain and France had to shift for themselves tion, The Skin of the Onion below. The Mythos lore in The in Europe; the four powers negotiated a neutralized Germany Secret History of the Cold War p. secret-horror campaign set in Taft-1, or in one horror adventure in a multi-genre Infinite Worlds game. Taft-1, Of course, the GM can decide that Professor William Headley p. B Current Affairs has briefed ISWAT on what kinds of The undying Azathoth cultist Josef Stalin seeks to uncover primordial lore that things or Things to look out for on will make the Soviet Union — which is to say, Stalin — the supreme ruler of Earth. If the true nature of Taft-1 ; Harry S Truman dies of a sudden stroke, and Robert A. Taft is elected Presbecomes known to Infinity or ident in Major Civilizations Western empire with rivals , Orthodox empire with satellites , Chinese unitary , Islamic multipolar.

It killed the Marshall Plan, NATO, the Truman Doctrine, and the Cold War. Without a sitting vice president, executive power fell to the Republican Speaker of the House, Joseph W. Republican Senator Robert A. President Taft aided Chiang in China, but Mao still outmaneuvered the Nationalists. Taft refused to intervene without Congressional authorization, which was not forthcoming, but he did reinforce American air and naval forces in Japan and the Philippines. Perhaps balked in the Pacific, Stalin turned back to the Asian interior, invading Afghanistan in Taft turned back to the American interior, rolling back New Deal and wartime regulations and forcing a Civil Rights Act through Congress over entrenched Democratic opposition.

Black votes put the Republicans over the top in , but President Taft died of sudden-onset cancer the next year. In , Ho Chi Minh unified Indochina much as Kim Il-sung had unified Korea, driving the French out. In , the new President of Egypt, Gamal Nasser, nationalized the Suez Canal, and the British, French, and Israelis invaded Egypt. Stassen refused to commit U. naval or air support to the adventure, and Stalin poured weapons into Egypt via socialist Iran. The UN backed Nasser the U. In this climate, Stassen sent Marines into Cuba to suppress a Communist rebellion there, but Symington still won in a squeaker. Other Tafts For some reason, strangeness seems to follow electoral success for Robert A. Taft: Taft-2 Q4, current year : On this low-mana worldline, Taft won the nomination in and kept America out of WWII.

Britain fought Germany to a standstill by ; Germany and Russia made a separate peace in ; the Wehrmacht overthrew Himmler in after his attempt to summon Wotan backfired. Taft-3 Q6, : As noted on p. The second World War, waged with millions fewer young men, ended in Russian and German collapse. The last primate baby was born in ; TL7 civilization falls apart outside a few increasingly geriatric neo-feudal dictatorships. Taft-4 Q7, : Following a decade-long wave of global UFO panics, Taft-4 underwent a sudden pole shift in , burying Europe and the South Pacific under miles of ice. The original China and California are tropical, monster-infested jungles; the eastern U.

is a paranoid, racist TL7 military dictatorship. Robert A. Taft was the second of the four emergency presidents during the aftermath of the pole shift, before the generals took over openly in The U. Taft-6 Q5, : Here, by contrast, nothing untoward seems to have happened, not even to President and Mrs. Instead, Taft is still in his second term as president, having pushed through major civil rights and anti-discrimination legislation, demobilized the national security state except the Navy and a nuclear deterrent , and rolled back federal expansion and regulation in the economy. But the Patrol has found no brewing cataclysms, and nobody seems to practice magic openly, which means that the Cabal may already have taken over here. Or it means something else. Taft-7 Q5, : A blasted discard of Things Man Was Not Meant to Know, described more fully in Infinite Worlds p. Like Taft-4, it received its designation thanks to its peculiar radiation signature. TAFT-1 20 Treblinka probe the brains of political prisoners and Red Army volunteers, seeking the gateways in pineal space.

Armies of slaves work gulag mines to supply the fungoid, alien Yughotiy with rare Siberian minerals. Thousands die in screaming agonies to placate Nyarlathotep. Antarctic explorers dig up Elder technologies; physicists in isolated Siberian laboratories go mad trying to utilize them. Certain inquisitive strangers with unlikely knowledge of the past and future answer insistent questions in their turn in the Lubyanka basement. The New Soviet Man will be the next Great Race on Earth. It will be the only Great Race. THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE COLD WAR Stalin had long known that there was no God. In the aftermath of logical infrastructure. It does not depend on mana, does not register World War II, this trickle of data became a flood, with Detect Magic , and cannot be countered or blocked by anti-magas the Ahnenerbe archives of Nazi occult research ical effects or spells. Stalin psi shield will only weaken their efforts; it has no effect against for now knew the Names to call on when the stars example a non-psionic human shaper of Azathoth-force.

The core skill is was, just as Marx had promised, the puppet of Ritual Magic Azathothic , and the individual skills are the various vast, impersonal forces. And he knew how to Books — the Necronomicon, the Pnakotic Manuscripts, and so forth — bend those forces to his implacable will. containing psychic interface methods, memetic programs, and abstract Truman might have stopped him, but Alger mathematical expressions: which is to say, spells and lore. Ritual Magic Hiss painted a certain hexagram in the Oval Azathothic defaults not only to Religious Ritual Azathothic -6, but to Office that killed the Cold Warrior. Stalin gladly Mathematics Pure The GM can choose whether to model it with offended Mao by holding Sinkiang and adding Effect Shaping Thaumatology, p. With Thaumatology, pp. It does not require approaches to Kadath in the Cold Waste. A hundred doors slowly crack open, all across the Soviet sphere. So far, Infinity has uncovered no sign of Centrum activity on this worldline; even they would probably draw the line at assisting Stalin in global conquest.

The main Patrol station on this line is thus in neutral Berlin, with a secondary Patrol station in Boston run by the Homeline CIA. Bureaucracy being what it is, the Patrol pursues both plans in a halting and inefficient manner, subject to delays, retaskings, and budget cuts. TAFT-1 21 By contrast, the magic-wielding CIA from Merlin-1 Infinite Worlds, pp. Teams of Merlin1 Black Berets and CIA paramilitaries operate all across Southeast Asia, covertly assisting the British and attempting to build up an anti-Communist network of tribes. However, Can you imagine yourself in another world? Alien, unfamiliar, a world of terror, whose unknown joy is its greatest terror of all.

Worse, their own magic works unreliably or not at all here; transit between worlds is by a nexus on Ponape Island U. territory on both Merlin-1 and Taft Each of these will no doubt discover some further horrific threat to all time and space, with the UPUL on their heels the whole way. The Whisperers Out of Time Nemesis The Patrol has finally caught a break on Taft a Centrum defector has delivered solid intel on Case DEXTER, a plan to replace major figures in the U. and Western European defense establishments with cross-world duplicates. Centrum will provide the junta with a missile defense system and sufficient economic and technical aid to crush the Soviets completely — by containment or by nuclear decapitation. The PCs are the tip of the spear — the best qualified to infiltrate Taft-1 immediately and prepare the ground for a major Patrol counter-operation.

If necessary, they could even mount a coup of their own possibly in Bolivia or Portugal to give the Patrol a secure base. But all is not as it seems. Case DEXTER is a feint, designed by Centrum to draw a huge Infinity response. Their plan is monstrous, yet simple: lure Infinity into Taft-1 in force, then wait for Stalin to discover the intruders. When Stalin learns of the existence of Infinity and Homeline, he will leap at the opportunity to sacrifice an entire Earth to his cosmic master and unleash Azathoth on his newfound opponents. Nothing less than the existence of Homeline is at stake! The Patrolmen need to figure out the real nature of Case DEXTER before their own agency makes Centrum victory inevitable. Or of a small cult of high-Grade officers. The Doom That Came to Innsmouth Nemesis or Quest In February of , the Bureau of Investigation coordinated Operation SAMSON, a joint project of the Treasury Department and the U. Navy to destroy the town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts.

The archives and artifacts of Operation SAMSON — and perhaps even some of the prisoners removed from Innsmouth to an internment camp in Manzanar, California — survive. Did FDR or President Taft release those prisoners? Move them? Did he even know they existed? Someone in the U. government wants to find them. TAFT-1 22 Someone in the U. government has discovered, or Dreamed, what the real Soviet threat is. FBI agents have confiscated the research papers of Professor George G. Angell, of Brown University. Secret Servicemen have seized enigmatic gold statuary from small museums all along the New England coast. Navy submarines patrol a desolate stretch of the South Pacific with active sonar. They want to close the Mythos gap. The PCs are American government agents or military intelligence officers. They might be part of this secretive cabal, trying to build a balance of terror to keep America alive. In that case, this becomes a Quest campaign with strong psychological horror overtones as they search for evidence, battle mysterious Soviet-backed horrors, and try to achieve a lasting peace with an alien intelligence.

Or they might realize that any interaction with such forces irretrievably corrupts everything America survives to represent: the only response to such monsters is more and bigger torpedoes. In either version, Senator John F. Kennedy D-Massachusetts remains an ambiguous figure: Navy hero, Mafia connections, student of history, rumored to have presidential ambitions as well as certain. Can they get permission from their superiors to seek out Irem? He promises them the full resources of the Service. as long as they brief him fully on any operations they undertake, of course. The Great Race seemed to form a single, loosely knit nation or league, with major institutions in common, though there were four definite divisions. The political and economic system of each unit was a sort of fascistic socialism. Lovecraft, The Shadow Out of Time TAFT-1 23 CHAPTER SIX TSAREVICH About 14 million years ago on Homeline, something plowed into the Ries valley in Bavaria, splashing pieces of moldavite, a green glass-like mineral, over the countryside.

Fragments fell up to miles to the east, in Moravia. On the worldline called Tsarevich, that something was a reality shard p. And it was much, much bigger. Pieces fell as far away as Greece and Bulgaria. Some made their way into ancient trading networks, worked into jewelry for Egyptian mummies or set in the hilts of swords. Some were carved into idols and carried by pilgrims and wanderers to Central Asia or the mountains of Scotland. Some were discovered by scholars, and taken to museums and private collections in Chicago, Tokyo, and London. But most of it by far stayed in the ground, in Bohemia, Croatia, and Transylvania.

Just a little different. A PHANTOM IS HAUNTING EUROPE In June of , Tsar Alexander I of Russia took time away from the campaign against Napoleon to receive the mystic, millenarianminded Baroness Krüdener. With her medium Madame Kummer, she conducted a séance for the tsar, Kummer using a piece of green Moravian glass as her scrying stone. The spirits, proclaimed the Baroness, urged Alexander to begin a new era of peace and Christian fellowship on Earth, creating a Holy Alliance of all nations to prevent war. The revelation fired the imagination of the tsar, and even moreso the erratic, moody Tsarevich Constantine. On Homeline, the tsarevich was not present at the séance, and the medium foolishly tried to mulct the tsar for a subsidy.

Tsarevich, Current Affairs Parachronic radiation breeds monsters in a world of slowed social and technological change. Divergence Point ; the presence of the Tsarevich Constantine at a séance further popularizes the post-Romantic wave of metaphysical sentiment, which manifests as patriotism in Russia and pacifism in the West. Major Civilizations Orthodox empire with satellites , Western multipolar , Japanese empire , Indic unitary. The British and French bogged down besieging Sevastopol, while their populations rioted to protest the war. Once the French troops mutinied, frustrated by the incompetent two-year siege and radicalized by pacifist propaganda from home, the War was over. The Tsarevich Curse The Tsarevich Curse is fundamentally a factor of drama, not of biology or physics.

Bearing this concern in mind, the etiology of the Curse is as follows. In either of these cases or that of a PC, if he is already Cursed, p. In some games, the GM can do the same to anyone; in others, a veneer of objectivity or the spice of randomness is de rigueur. For such games, each main character should make a modified Will roll during the potential Curse-triggering event. Some sample events, with modifiers: Parachronic travel: A penalty equal to the margin of failure on any relevant Electronics Operation Parachronic roll. Exposure to a reality shard on Tsarevich: -1 if within a mile, -2 if seen, -4 if touched, or -7 if used.

Reality quake: -1 per point of local pre-quake Reality Stress Level Infinite Worlds, p. Contact with a contagious monster: The modifiers under Contagion p. B , at -3, and the rules for Infectious Attack p. The person with the largest margin of failure gets to be the monster. If nobody fails, more monsters attack. Ka-Possession: Delusions Crucial Memory; Horror, p. Lycanthropy: Delusions Crucial Memory; Horror, p. Any character points spent by a cursed person must go toward buying advantages provided by their monster form, until the curse is lifted. The GM may add or intensify further monstrous disadvantages at those times. A kindly GM might allow those points to be reassigned on that happy day. Cure The GM can decide how to remove any given instance of the Tsarevich Curse: seek out a local mad scientist, especially one with access to forbidden research; magic; kill the monster that infected the victim; find and, usually, steal the relevant reality shard so that Sheldrake Section can try to reverse the effect; and so forth.

TSAREVICH 25 Only the rise of Austria provided any balance. The Second Holy Alliance, negotiated by Tsar Constantine II in to avert a crisis over Indian independence, remains the basis of international relations even four generations later. Homeline Victorian society was equally religious, for example. Instead, Infinity sociologists blame a mix of factors: the initial burst of metaphysical, Romantic mysticism in encouraged a much more widespread Luddite movement, and in the wake of the Hanover Tragedy, both law and society turned decisively against technological invention. German universities — the model for universities around the globe both here and on Homeline — closed down their science departments, turning to art, literature, theology, social sciences, and history instead.

Some sciences, like biology and astronomy, survived the purges in some universities. The autocracies were, if anything, even easier to divert from the dangers of technology. Other cases were less dramatically destructive, but no less deranged. One Heinrich Frankenstein built a Creature from corpses and brought it to electrical life in ; its rampages killed dozens of people, including a Norwegian Arctic expedition. It remains unclear whether the prevalence of reality shards in optical and other scientific equipment built in Germany, or some other factor, causes this phenomenon. But details of these reanimated bodies of the dead — the un-dead as we call them — are so obscure that many biologists will not believe they exist. For some, it simply transmits dreams from their parallel selves — visions of other worlds in which they are serial killers, mad scientists, or demonically possessed — all of which tend to bleed over into the Tsarevich-based persona as well.

Experimenting with such Traumtechnologie seldom ends well. For others, it actually alters their genetics to match parallel or alien versions of themselves: lycanthropic, vampiric, or worse. For still others, it alters their brainwaves, pheromones, or other attributes to make them hugely attractive or tasty, or both to predatory and infectious monsters. Another batch of Tsarevich monster sightings come about courtesy of the Cabal, whose magi and monsters are flooding in like Forty-niners to the California gold fields. The Wheel of Ptah Lodge currently holds the upper hand, but it has to bring in ever more deadly forces to keep its rivals from usurping control of prime sorcerous turf in Transylvania or along the Adriatic coast. Pockets of higher mana dot the region, usually on the sites of old temples and ruins. Given the dangers of exposure to parachronic radiation while on Tsarevich, the Patrol is arguing for a reclassification from P9 to Z3.

Being on Quantum 5, travel to Tsarevich is also relatively economical. Carpathian Eagle Escape When last we left our heroes, they had fallen afoul of the Order of the Eagle: a secret society of evil aviators based in the Republic of Carpathia. To the outside world, the Order of the Eagle exists only to reward aerial bravery and endurance, and to test and fly ever-more-dangerous experimental aircraft. For millennia, It floated there alone, save for the lesser monstrosities that flapped or rolled through the clouds around It. As pilots flew into Its perception, It killed those who It deemed unsuitable, and spared those who would do Its bidding. Those whom It spared, It then brought together as the Order of the Eagle. With the heroes trapped in Carpathia, the Order begins its final pursuit: hounding and abducting loved ones, destroying allies and friends, isolating its victims for ultimate destruction. The only alternatives are a desperate chase across the Balkans, or constructing or capturing an aircraft that not only can elude the Eagles but can challenge the Thing in the cloudy jungle It calls home.

Unknown to all he doth appear, A vision desolate and drear Doth seem to him the festal scene. Fortunately, few of them stay open more than a night or three the length of the full moon, say , and even if they reopen, their cycles are irregular. IN TSAREVICH aeronefs, or flying wings if need be. The GM can pick any favorite weird aircraft from Jules Verne to Luftwaffe: and fling them into the skies to harry the heroes. Model the atmospheric Intelligence as an Ancient One Horror, pp. B56 and a further battery of psionic powers. Their wave of murders and sacrifices across Europe went off without a hitch — although it did alert a number of would-be heroes and occult adventurers.

But it matters not: the Cult succeeded in channeling the energy of the Smaragdine One, the crystalline god-form that dwells beneath the soil of eastern Europe. From now until the next total lunar eclipse over Europe on November , , their might can only grow. They will seize the reins of sorcerous power across the world, make and unmake governments, raise demigods and command them, and establish an occult empire that will rule for a thousand years. Those who dare to oppose the Crimson Cult will pay in a welter of blood. Crimson Cultists have Power Investiture Smaragdine One that increases by one level each full moon after the eclipse. This power is halved outside the impact zone of the reality shard — in general, the zone falls between the Rhine and the Black Sea, although the GM can sketch whatever specific boundaries work best for his campaign. The campaign begins on the night of January 9, , or a few months afterward. The GM can bring them all together through a Patron who has put the pieces together, or for an extra challenge have each player make up multiple characters, building several investigating parties all tracing the Cult of the Crimson Moon across Europe and the world.

TSAREVICH 27 Rotating GMs can cooperate to run multiple adventurer groups, with the semi-coordinated Cult as the common Nemesis. As the Cult kills off investigators, the survivors discover each other, until by the end of the campaign, each player has one veteran standing. If this seems too drastic, merely apply a -1 to any roll to shift between worlds for each full moon since the first eclipse — and any failure snaps the traveler into Tsarevich. Perhaps he poses as his own descendant, or killed and replaced the former count after his resurrection. He cannot be killed without destabilizing the Quadruple Monarchy — something explicitly forbidden by the Patrol, if the PCs are subject to its orders.

He is also a bloodthirsty vampire, a cruel ruler, and the head of an occult criminal conspiracy rivaling the Cabal for evil and avarice. In this capacity, he has wronged the heroes. He has a literal army of followers, as well as formidable magical and vampiric protections. If the PCs are Cabalists, he joins a rival Lodge to theirs and immediately sets about accumulating reality shards to overwhelm his foes. If the PCs are Patrol, he begins a covert program of testing them, observing them, sending monsters and trouble their way to gauge their reactions and uncover as many of their outworld secrets as he can. Then, he smuggles himself across the worlds into Homeline or wherever and builds his power base there.

Sleeping in his native soil, impregnated as it is with reality shard fragments, allows him to use all his vampiric powers even on a no-mana worldline. Model Dracula as a vampire lord Horror, p. as indicated above. Astronomers theorize that Venus is a younger world than Earth, earlier in its geological development: a world of volcanoes, jungles, and vast soda-water oceans. It might be home to alien lightbringers, or to seductive psychic vampires. More to the point, its crystal mountains doubtless hold immense veins of magical power — enough to make the man who commands them a god on two planets. Whether their own ambitions or the plans of a hated rival drive them, the PCs want to get to Venus. The GM might simply start the campaign by reading the above paragraph and asking players to build characters who want to go to Venus, or introduce this goal in tempting fashion during an ongoing campaign set on Tsarevich.

The heroes may have to hunt down lost plans of earlier planeteers, spy on their rivals, accumulate immense wealth, summon the ghost of a dead inventor, or just buckle down to a series of gadgeteering rolls p. Anything at all might await the voyagers on the Planet of Storms — although it hardly seems sporting to send the bold adventurers to roast on the acid-drenched hell world that is Homeline Venus. TSAREVICH 28 INDEX Air-looms, Animal Magnetism power, Armonicas, glass, Azathothic magic, 21, Campaigns, Duzakh, 5; Gotha-Z, 9; Gothic2, ; Kaiserreich-4, ; Taft-1, ; Tsarevich, Combat androids, Coppelius jars, Crimson Cult, Doppelgängermaschine DGM , Dracula, Duzakh, Frankenstein treatment,

English Pages 3 [4] Year DOWNLOAD PDF FILE. Pyramid, Infinite Worlds, I. GURPS Infinite Worlds: I. is copyright © by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved. Written by KENNETH HITE and STEPHEN KENSON I. Created by ROBERT M. SCHROECK The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this material via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal, and punishable Edited by NIKOLA VRTIS by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

and JOHN ZELEZNIK ® An e23 Game Aid for GURPS STEVE JACKSON GAMES Stock Version 1. This Earth may be the most dangerous — and the most promising — that Infinity has yet discovered. Superhumans flew, battled costumed criminals, and saved their world from extinction on an almost monthly basis. Cheered by this, some factions in Infinity and especially in UNIC want to reveal the Secret to the I. FOUR-COLOR REALITY The bizarrely mutable nature of the I. into a force for evil or a dictatorship? and tremendous opportunities for study. Among the effects of I. Expect the Incredible: Synchronicities and happenstance seem to conspire on I. People always seem to be in the right place at the right time or wrong time, depending on how you look at it. Open House: Increasing stress on the dimensional fabric in I. opens evermore frequent nexus portals, although the larger reality quakes collapse them again. Interdimensional visitors are quite common comparatively speaking on this worldline.

world, including one in which all supers are evil. However, very little is for sure in this shaky alternate, and Infinity is on tenterhooks waiting for one of them to open elsewhere in the infinite worlds. Reality Instability: This worldline is ontologically unstable, suffering nearly constant reality temblors and recurrent reality quakes. A particularly severe reality quake struck globally on local date January 1, ; its side effects are still making their way into the global consciousness. Plastic History: Plentiful reality quakes have littered I. Super-Powers: While powers on I. stem from many different sources including magic and psi , the quantum flux of the parallel seems to intensify them.

supers are typically more powerful and capable than mages and psis from other worlds. If the Williams-Khor hypothesis holds see Infinite Worlds, p. See GURPS International Super Teams for more details about this worldline. IST 2 Black and White: This seems to hold true on some level. Powerful personalities on the I. reality are often powerful supers and vice versa. Megalomania and madness are virtually assured keys to great power at the cost of being a megalomaniacal madman, of course. Likewise, dedication to a cause and unshakeable faith tend to lead to the same even among so-called super-normals. The people of I. Some scientific breakthroughs or discoveries only work or make sense some of the time, to some people. sometimes only the scientist! Science is a dangerous profession and tends to attract extreme personalities because they make the most effective scientists.

This has led to a strange combination of superscience and more conventional technology, since scientific progress and development is not as steady or reliable as it is on other worlds. Reality quakes also may have altered I. Divergence Point ; supers exist. Major Civilizations Western multipolar , Chinese empire , Japanese unitary , Orthodox multipolar. Worldline Data TL: 8 plus variable superscience Quantum: 3 Centrum Zone: Inaccessible Mana Level: low Infinity Class: Z1 About GURPS Steve Jackson Games is committed to full support of GURPS players. Our address is SJ Games, P. Box , Austin, TX Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope SASE any time you write us! We can also be reached by e-mail: [email protected] Resources include: New supplements and adventures. Our e-publishing division offers GURPS adventures, play aids, and support in PDF form.

digital copies of our books, plus exclusive material available only on e23! Just head over to e Pyramid www. Our monthly PDF magazine includes new rules and articles for GURPS, systemless locations, adventures, and much more. Look for each themed issue from e23! Visit us on the World Wide Web at www. To discuss GURPS with our staff and your fellow gamers, visit our forums at forums. The web page for GURPS Infinite Worlds can be found at www. The GURPS International Supers Teams web page is at www. Everyone makes mistakes, including us — but we do our best to fix our errors. Up-to-date errata pages for all GURPS releases, including this book, are available on our website — see above. Rules and statistics in this book are specifically for the GURPS Basic Set, Fourth Edition. Page references that begin with B refer to that book, not this one.

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But the Patrol has found no brewing cataclysms, and nobody seems to practice magic openly, which means that the Cabal may already have taken over here. Everywhere, men and women are locked into a great chain of being by their birth and their stars, toiling in the fields or sweating in their armor. Infinite Worlds: I. Talent, new, Those whom It spared, It then brought together as the Order of the Eagle. Upon his return, the pagan emperor stripped Placidus now called Eustathius of his property, and he miraculously fled across the Rhine with OF ROME his family on his back.

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